We will be holding an ACT Practice Test as a fundraiser for this trip. In addition to raising much-needed funds, this event will also give high schoolers a chance to try out the ACT before it counts for college admissions, and give parents some feedback as to how well their students are scoring on the test.
The test will be held on June 5, 1pm-4pm at the Birmingham Kaplan Center. This practice test will be administered under proctored conditions just like the real exam, and afterward students will receive a comprehensive score report showing their strengths and weaknesses along with a composite score.
There are a limited number of seats available, so students will need to register soon to reserve their seat. Simply fill out a registration card and return it and the $15 registration donation to one of the India mission team members. Please make checks out to The Church at Brook Hills and write "India, July 24" in the memo line.
Or, if you prefer, you can register now via PayPal:
You'll receive an email confirming your purchase within one business day. That email will contain directions to the testing facility, and contact information if you have any questions.
Even if you're a little too old for the ACT, you can still help by praying for the success of this fundraiser. Thanks!
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