Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Ways you can help #3: for our fundraising

Each team member needs to have $1650 turned in to the church by May 17. This is so that the church can buy our plane tickets in advance to keep costs to a minimum. Please pray that God would provide all of our team members with the funds to go on this trip. You can specifically pray for the following fundraisers:

There will be more details on each of these fundraisers posted to this blog, but we would appreciate your prayers and support as we work on doing our part to raise the necessary funds. Thanks!

What we'll be doing

Our team will have the opportunity to share our faith with people in rural villages and also work in the urban slums with the children and the youth.

The tentative plan is to go to three different villages and preach in their churches, and spend some time teaching Bible lessons to children in the slums. For two days, the guys will meet with young men in a sports ministry while the girls will be doing Bible storytelling with women in the community. We will hopefully also get one day for cultural exposure so that we can gain a better understanding of India and its people.  

Ways you can help #2:

Pray for the people of Northern India.

India is home to 1.1 billion people, and 41% of the world’s poor. In the area where we will be serving, over 99.5% of the population does not know Jesus.

India statistics:

- 80% of the population  is Hindu
- 12.5% of the population is Muslim
- 456 million people (42% of the population) lives on $1.25 or less a day
- 42.5% of children suffer from malnutrition
- India has the largest illiterate population of any nation
- The mortality rate for children under 5 years old is 69%

Our church, The Church at Brook Hills, has committed 2010 to meeting urgent physical and spiritual needs throughout the world. This commitment includes sacrificing our money and giving it to those who need it most. Brook Hills has targeted the North Indian Ganges plains areas, and is partnering with local churches to provide food, medical care, clean water, and access to the gospel to these people. You can find out more about this initiative here.

In addition to praying for our mission team, you can also:

• Pray that the families who will now have access to water and other basic necessities will see the gospel through these tangible demonstrations.
• Pray for the church planters who will be sent out to start new churches.
• Ask God to work in the hearts of those in the villages where the church planters will minister in the coming days.
• Pray for God to use His Word to change the lives of many who previously did not have access to Scripture.

Why we're going to India

Ways you can help #1:

Make purchases through Amazon Affiliates.

The links on the left side of this website will take you to, and everything you purchase during that shopping session will be counted to our Amazon Affiliates account. We'll receive 4-15% of the purchase price to  fund our trip. Please be sure to do all your Amazon shopping through us!